Thursday, May 29, 2008

Slow but growing

I've wanted to grow a garden for quite some time. I thought about it last year, thought about it so long that I missed the entire growing season. I'm on schedule this year though. We've planted tomatoes, zucchini, green beans, peppers and a smattering of herbs. I feared the boys attacking the plants but they've actually done really good. Kedrick is just as excited about watching them grow. Both boys love to water. Brock seems to have a respect for the vegetables he has yet to develop for the flowers. His picking has been minimal. The other day I was out working in the garden and Kedrick said, "mom, you're a good girl, you are taking very good care of the plants." It made me beam. I went around the rest of the day feeling really good about myself and wanting to make sure I said things to my kids that made them feel the same way.


Melissa said...

Kedrick's comment is so cute. I'm so glad that kids have been respectful of your garden. I hope mine don't come over and ruin it. I'll be horrified. Good for you for cultivating a little garden. I hope you will invite us over for salad when it is all done. I love fresh tomatoes.

apple slice said...

ok, how cute. i am laughing and crying.