Friday, September 14, 2007

A Penny Saved

I recently heard of a family of nine living off of $35,000 a year. I admire frugality. I once visited our local dump to dispose of a couch we could find no other home for. Watching mounds of discarded items being swallowed up by mother earth made me feel a bit reckless with my own consumptive behaviors. I feel like a real hero every time I save something from the landfill. Okay, and I don't mind saving money either.
Things I've bought used off of Craigslist:
jogging stroller
double stroller
toddler bed
little tykes pick-up truck
dump truck lamp

My summer best deal: a plastic dinosaur sandbox I found during my Saturday morning constitutional at a garage sale, $4 (retails for $39.99). I carried it home on my head.

Things I will never buy used: toilet paper, dental floss, tooth brushes.


Melissa said...

Craig's list is my favorite too. You can literally find anything. We just got Andy a dalmation dog costume for Halloween.

apple slice said...

haha. Carrying it home on your head. You write strongly. I have never used Craig's list and feel completely out of it. I have been an ebayer in former years and loaded up on new Tupperware. You have indeed found some incredible goods. I like you are keeping a list. I would like to buy a cheap hair cut online.